dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2020

English 6è A i 6è B 21/04

Helloooo girls and boys!! How are you???
Welcome to the third term!! As you know we are going to revise different things we have learnt during the year. For that reason, today we give you a wordsearch to review months of the year. It is NOT necessary you send it to us.
Here you have the link:

Thank you very much!! Marta & Alicia

4 comentaris:

  1. No lo entiendo muy bien.

    1. Helloo Isabella! És una sopa de lletres i has de cercar els mesos de l'any i llavors els has d'escriure abaix. Vale? Marta

  2. Marta cuando terminamos te lo tenemos que mandar
